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To Mother.


You hold the glory and the weight of this world in your hand,
How can I ever thank you!
Words elude me, tears seclude me.
You can make, or break, my world.
You can impress love or pain to my soul.
You alone can make me half, or whole.

For those mothers who nurture, we thank you,
For those mothers abandoned, whose children are taken from you,
Are prayers are with you,
Those whose children have left, In life or death…..
We grieve with you.

For those children who are left behind,
Surely God will provide you with gentle arms to carry you through.
It is those arms who mother with love,
that in the end matter.

Fear not dear mother,
Cry not, dear child.
For someone that is greater than us all, is watching.
You are never alone.

And for those hearts that beat alone today.
Our love, and our hearts are beating with you.
You are NOT alone.

Dear Mother.
Thank you.
Dear Child
We Bless you.

Dilani Diva