Silken Breezes blow…
….on my lovers gentle breast,
For this earth has found her glory,
And I have found my rest.
I sing my lovers story
And within it’s truth abide,
Away from rant and fury
And awake at even tide.
I stand beneath the shadow,
Of your true and lustrous fame,
And in the wake of the morning,
I will dream of you, again.
For no sun can cast its shadow
Or no harvest moon befall,
True Lover’s Joy and Sorrow,
In it’s rising and it’s fall.
For love is a state I be in,
And if you come to stay,
Let us dance, the dance of music,
… and with hope… an ocean sway.
For love is ever lasting
For Love is surely free,
To dance with the birds of the morning,
and sing with the gulls of the sea.
And in the wake of each new breath…..
let love live…. and breath …. and be !