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Heart Songs

Dilani Diva

The Breath of the Season-
( Songs for the Soul – by Dilani Diva )

At this time of year
When songs sing so dear,
May your heart be untroubled
And your thoughts be free….
This eve, if you are lonely
When the snowflakes fall
And the touch of a sweet angel
Surely hear your heart’s call.

May this time of year
Bring a smile from a stranger
Bring a thought of simple pleasure
Of some holly and a tree
And if you are lonely
May the touch of an angel
Keep your heart from  crying
and set your sadness free

At this time of year
Know that someone loves you
Even though their presence
In your life seems so apart
May you know their arms
that once did want to hold you
Though not so close in body
In spirit, are not apart

May this gentle message
Keep you safe my dear one
For where ever you may wonder
On this earth to find loves quest
Your heart is safe with angels
who will guide and hold you.
From the dawn of every moment
To the death of every breath.

May thoughts and prayers are with you all today.

Dilani Diva