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dilanidiva spiritual guru psychic


The Journey.

Dilani Diva Spiritual Guru and Psychic
(Thank you for sharing your journey with me)
I am only passing through.
this journey we call life.
I come with nothing great
Save to leave it – a smile.

I hope that in this space,
That as lovers or as friends
We will hold this life with hope
and make a tune that never ends.

I am so grateful now,
For the power of your smile,
For the pain of joy and sorrow
For the dawn of even tide.

And as one day I rest
my souls journey still at hand
Let me leave you with a smile
and a promise of a distant land.

For this is but a journey
That we strive with every breath
That we take with us to heaven
That will live with us in death.

and in your endless journey
May you write your chapter well
with hope, and joy and loving
with Gods blessings and life’s best.
Namaste Dilani Diva